SimpleGAS Event Reference

This page documents all built-in events that SimpleGAS broadcasts through the SimpleEventSubsystem. You can listen for these events in your game to respond to various system changes.
You can read about how to listen for events on the event system concept page.

Ability Component Events

Event Tag Domain Tag Description Payload Type
SimpleGAS.Events.AbilityComponent.GameplayTagAdded The tag that was added Fired when a gameplay tag is added to an ability component None
SimpleGAS.Events.AbilityComponent.GameplayTagRemoved The tag that was removed Fired when a gameplay tag is removed from an ability component None

Ability Events

Event Tag Domain Tag Description Payload Type
SimpleGAS.Events.Ability.Activated SimpleGAS.Domains.Ability.Local or SimpleGAS.Domains.Ability.Authority Fired when an ability is successfully activated FAbilityActivationEvent
SimpleGAS.Events.Ability.Ended SimpleGAS.Domains.Ability.Local or SimpleGAS.Domains.Ability.Authority Fired when an ability ends for any reason FSimpleAbilityEndedEvent

Attribute Events

Float Attributes

Event Tag Domain Tag Description Payload Type
SimpleGAS.Events.Attributes.Added.Float The added attribute tag Fired when a float attribute is added None
SimpleGAS.Events.Attributes.Removed.Float The removed attribute tag Fired when a float attribute is removed None
SimpleGAS.Events.Attributes.Changed.FloatBaseValue SimpleGAS.Domains.Attribute.Local or SimpleGAS.Domains.Attribute.Authority Fired when the base value of a float attribute changes FFloatAttributeModification
SimpleGAS.Events.Attributes.Changed.FloatMinBaseValue SimpleGAS.Domains.Attribute.Local or SimpleGAS.Domains.Attribute.Authority Fired when the min base value of a float attribute changes FFloatAttributeModification
SimpleGAS.Events.Attributes.Changed.FloatMaxBaseValue SimpleGAS.Domains.Attribute.Local or SimpleGAS.Domains.Attribute.Authority Fired when the max base value of a float attribute changes FFloatAttributeModification
SimpleGAS.Events.Attributes.Changed.FloatCurrentValue SimpleGAS.Domains.Attribute.Local or SimpleGAS.Domains.Attribute.Authority Fired when the current value of a float attribute changes FFloatAttributeModification
SimpleGAS.Events.Attributes.Changed.FloatMinCurrentValue SimpleGAS.Domains.Attribute.Local or SimpleGAS.Domains.Attribute.Authority Fired when the min current value of a float attribute changes FFloatAttributeModification
SimpleGAS.Events.Attributes.Changed.FloatMaxCurrentValue SimpleGAS.Domains.Attribute.Local or SimpleGAS.Domains.Attribute.Authority Fired when the max current value of a float attribute changes FFloatAttributeModification

Struct Attributes

Event Tag Domain Tag Description Payload Type
SimpleGAS.Events.Attributes.Added.Struct The added attribute tag Fired when a struct attribute is added FInstancedStruct
SimpleGAS.Events.Attributes.Changed.Struct The added attribute tag Fired when a struct attribute is changed FInstancedStruct
SimpleGAS.Events.Attributes.Removed.Struct The added attribute tag Fired when a struct attribute is removed FInstancedStruct

Domain Tags

Domain tags are used as a secondary categorization for events and can be useful for filtering events when listening. The primary domain tags are:

Domain Tag Description
SimpleGAS.Domains.Ability.Local Events that originated on the local client
SimpleGAS.Domains.Ability.Authority Events that originated on the server (authoritative)
SimpleGAS.Domains.Attribute.Local Attribute events that originated on the local client
SimpleGAS.Domains.Attribute.Authority Attribute events that originated on the server

Payload Struct Definitions


struct FAbilityActivationEvent
	FGuid AbilityID;                                  // The ID of the ability that was activated
	TSubclassOf<USimpleGameplayAbility> AbilityClass; // The class of the ability that was activated
	FInstancedStruct AbilityContext;                  // The context data passed to the ability when it was activated
	bool WasActivatedSuccessfully;                    // Whether the ability was activated successfully
	float ActivationTimeStamp;                        // The time when the ability was activated (in seconds, according to the server time)


struct FSimpleAbilityEndedEvent
    FGuid AbilityID;                  // The ID of the ability that ended
    FGameplayTag EndStatusTag;        // A tag describing how the ability ended
    FInstancedStruct EndingContext;   // Optional context data about how/why the ability ended
    EAbilityStatus NewAbilityStatus;  // The new status of the ability
    bool WasCancelled;                // Whether the ability was cancelled or ended normally


struct FFloatAttributeModification
    FGameplayTag AttributeTag;        // The tag of the attribute that was modified
    EAttributeValueType ValueType;    // Which value of the attribute was modified (base, current, etc.)
    float NewValue;                   // The new value of the attribute


struct FAttributeModifierResult
    USimpleGameplayAbilityComponent* Instigator;  // Component that applied the modifier
    USimpleGameplayAbilityComponent* Target;      // Component that received the modifier
    TArray<FAbilitySideEffect> AppliedAbilitySideEffects;         // Abilities activated as side effects
    TArray<FEventSideEffect> AppliedEventSideEffects;             // Events sent as side effects
    TArray<FAttributeModifierSideEffect> AppliedAttributeModifierSideEffects;  // Modifiers applied as side effects


FInstancedStruct is a container that can hold any UE struct type. For struct attribute events, the payload will be the actual struct value of the attribute. The type will depend on what struct type your attribute is using.