Utility Nodes

Table of contents
  1. General Utility Nodes
    1. ToInstancedStruct
    2. ISimpleAbilitySystemComponent interface
  2. Abilities
    1. WaitForClientSubAbilityEnd
    2. WaitForServerSubAbilityEnd
    3. WaitForLocalSubAbilityEnd
  3. Attributes
    1. WaitForFloatAttributeChange
    2. WaitForStructAttributeChange
  4. Gameplay Tags
    1. WaitForGameplayTag

General Utility Nodes


A pure style function that takes in a struct and returns an FInstancedStruct of that struct type. This can look a bit cleaner than using the MakeInstancedStruct node in some cases. a screenshot of the ToInstancedStruct utility node

ISimpleAbilitySystemComponent interface

This is an interface that you can implement on the actor that owns the SimpleGameplayAbilityComponent. It has a single function called GetSimpleAbilitySystemComponent that returns the SimpleGameplayAbilityComponent of the actor. This way, you don’t need to get the component from the actor every time you want to use it.
In addition, any function that requires a SimpleGameplayAbilityComponent as input can now take an actor as input instead and a GetSimpleAbilitySystemComponent node will be created automatically:
a screenshot of the ISimpleAbilitySystemComponent interface

To add this interface to your actor, go to the actor’s class settings and add the ISimpleAbilitySystemComponent interface:
a screenshot of adding the ISimpleAbilitySystemComponent interface to an actor



Activates a non replicated sub ability only on the client and waits for it to end before proceeding. The server also waits for the client sub ability to end before proceeding and will receive the client data as well.

Example use case:

  • You have an ability that requires targeting a location.
  • You want to show a targeting UI to the client but not on the server.
  • You want to wait for the client to finish targeting before proceeding.


Input Type Description
AbilityToActivate SimpleGameplayAbility class reference The sub ability to activate
Context FInstancedStruct Context to pass to the ability
Output Type Description
EndStatus FGameplayTag The status returned by the sub ability’s EndAbility function
EndContext FGameplayTag The context by the sub ability’s EndAbility function
WasCancelled Bool True if the sub ability was cancelled, false if ended normally.

Example: an example of WaitForClientSubAbilityEnd node


Activates a non replicated sub ability only on the server and waits for it to end before proceeding. The client also waits for the server sub ability to end before proceeding and will receive the server data as well.

Example use case:

  • You have an ability that can only be run on the server but the client needs to wait for it to finish before proceeding.


Input Type Description
AbilityToActivate SimpleGameplayAbility class reference The sub ability to activate
Context FInstancedStruct Context to pass to the ability
Output Type Description
EndStatus FGameplayTag The status returned by the sub ability’s EndAbility function
EndContext FGameplayTag The context by the sub ability’s EndAbility function
WasCancelled Bool True if the sub ability was cancelled, false if ended normally.


Activates a non replicated sub ability and waits for it to end before proceeding. There is no result syncing between the server and client so this is best used for cosmetic local abilities or single player games.

Example use case:

  • You want to wait for a sub ability (e.g. a PlayMontage ability) to finish before proceeding.


Input Type Description
AbilityToActivate SimpleGameplayAbility class reference The sub ability to activate
Context FInstancedStruct Context to pass to the ability
Output Type Description
EndStatus FGameplayTag The status returned by the sub ability’s EndAbility function
EndContext FGameplayTag The context by the sub ability’s EndAbility function
WasCancelled Bool True if the sub ability was cancelled, false if ended normally.



Waits for a float attribute to change before proceeding. Useful for updating your UI or triggering events based on attribute changes.


Input Type Description
AttributeOwner SimpleGameplayAbilityComponent object reference The ability component we want to listen for changes on
AttributeTag FGameplayTag The float attribute tag we want to listen for changes for
OnlyTriggerOnce Bool If true once the attribute has changed once we stop listening. If false, we trigger whenever the attribute changes until the listener is removed
Output Type Description
ChangedValueType Enum Represents which part of the float attribute changed. Options are:
- CurrentValue
- BaseValue
- MaxCurrentValue
- MinCurrentValue
- MaxBaseValue
- MinBaseValue
NewValue Float The new value of the float e.g. ChangedValueType = CurrentValue then NewValue = the new CurrentValue

Example: an example of WaitForFloatAttributeChange node


Waits for a struct attribute to change before proceeding. Useful for updating your UI or triggering events based on attribute changes.


Input Type Description
AttributeOwner SimpleGameplayAbilityComponent object reference The ability component we want to listen for changes on
AttributeTag FGameplayTag The struct attribute tag we want to listen for changes for
OnlyTriggerOnce Bool If true once the attribute has changed once we stop listening. If false, we trigger whenever the attribute changes until the listener is removed
Output Type Description
ModificationTags FGameplayTagContainer Represents which member of the struct changed. This will only have data if the changed attribute uses a StructAttributeHandler
NewValue FInstancedStruct The new value of the struct attribute
OldValue FInstancedStruct The value of the struct attribute before being modified

Example: an example of WaitForStructAttributeChange node

Gameplay Tags


Waits for a gameplay tag to be added or removed from a GameplayAbilityComponent.


Input Type Description
TagOwner SimpleGameplayAbilityComponent object reference The ability component we want to listen for tag changes on
GameplayTag FGameplayTag The tag we want to listen for changes for
OnlyTriggerOnce Bool If true once the tag has changed once we stop listening. If false, we trigger whenever the tag changes until the listener is removed

There is no output for this node. It will trigger a TagAdded or TagRemoved exec pin.

Example: an example of WaitForGameplayTag node