Attribute Modifiers

Table of contents
  1. Properties
    1. General Configuration
    2. Duration Configuration
    3. Stacking Configuration
    4. Tag Requirements
    5. After passing tag requirements
    6. Attribute Modifications
    7. Side Effects
  2. Blueprint Implementable Events
    1. CanApplyModifier
    2. OnPreApplyModifier
    3. OnPostApplyModifier
    4. OnModifierEnded
    5. OnStacksAdded
    6. OnMaxStacksReached
  3. How Attribute Modification Works
    1. Float Attribute Modifiers
    2. Struct Attribute Modifiers


Attribute Modifiers are specialized abilities that change attributes with sophisticated rules. They’re the workhorses of SimpleGAS - the primary mechanism for modifying attributes during gameplay. Need to deal damage, apply a buff, or add a status effect? Attribute Modifiers are your go-to tool.

Attribute Modifiers come in two main types:

  • Instant Modifiers: Apply their changes immediately and then end (like damage)
  • Duration Modifiers: Persist for a period, potentially applying effects repeatedly (like damage over time)

Beyond simply changing values, Attribute Modifiers can:

  • Chain multiple attribute modifications in a single operation
  • Trigger side effects like visual effects, sounds, or animations
  • Activate other abilities as side effects
  • Apply or remove gameplay tags
  • Cancel conflicting modifiers


General Configuration

Name Type Description
Modifier Type EAttributeModifierType The behavior type:
- Instant: Apply modifications immediately and end
- Duration: Apply modifications over time
Modifier Application Policy EAttributeModifierApplicationPolicy Controls how the modifier is applied in multiplayer:
- ApplyServerOnly: Runs only on server with replicated results
- ApplyServerOnlyButReplicateSideEffects: Runs on server but side effects visible to clients
- ApplyClientPredicted: Runs immediately on client, then verified by server
Modifier Tags FGameplayTagContainer Tags that categorize this modifier (e.g., “DamageOverTime”, “StatusEffect”)

Duration Configuration

(Only used when Modifier Type is Duration)

Name Type Description
Has Infinite Duration bool If true, the modifier will not expire until explicitly removed
Duration float How long the modifier persists (in seconds) if not infinite
Tick On Apply bool Whether to apply effects immediately when the modifier is first applied
Tick Interval float How often the modifier applies its effects (in seconds)
Tick Tag Requirement Behaviour EDurationTickTagRequirementBehaviour How to handle ticks when tag requirements aren’t met:
- SkipOnTagRequirementFailed: Skip the tick but continue timer
- PauseOnTagRequirementFailed: Pause timer until requirements are met again
- CancelOnTagRequirementFailed: End the modifier entirely

Stacking Configuration

(Only used when Modifier Type is Duration and CanStack is true)

Name Type Description
Can Stack bool Whether multiple instances combine (e.g., stacking poison)
Stacks int32 Initial stack count (usually 1)
Has Max Stacks bool Whether there’s a limit to how many stacks can be applied
Max Stacks int32 Maximum allowed stacks if Has Max Stacks is true

Tag Requirements

Name Type Description
Target Required Tags FGameplayTagContainer Tags that must be present on the target for the modifier to apply
Target Blocking Tags FGameplayTagContainer Tags that prevent the modifier from applying if present on the target
Target Blocking Modifier Tags FGameplayTagContainer If another modifier with these tags is already applied, this modifier won’t apply

After passing tag requirements

Name Type Description
Cancel Abilities TArray<TSubclassOf<USimpleGameplayAbility>> Ability classes to cancel when this modifier is applied
Cancel Abilities With Ability Tags FGameplayTagContainer Cancel abilities with any of these tags when this modifier is applied
Cancel Modifiers With Tag FGameplayTagContainer Cancel other modifiers with these tags when this modifier is applied
Temporarily Applied Tags FGameplayTagContainer Tags added to the target when this modifier is active and removed when it ends
Permanently Applied Tags FGameplayTagContainer Tags added to the target when this modifier is applied (not automatically removed)
Remove Gameplay Tags FGameplayTagContainer Tags to remove from the target when this modifier is applied

Attribute Modifications

This section defines how the modifier changes attributes. You can modify both float and struct attributes.

Name Type Description
Float Attribute Modifications TArray<FFloatAttributeModifier> Configuration for modifying float attributes
Struct Attribute Modifications TArray<FStructAttributeModifier> Configuration for modifying struct attributes

Side Effects

Name Type Description
Ability Side Effects TArray<FAbilitySideEffect> Abilities to activate as side effects
Event Side Effects TArray<FEventSideEffect> Events to send as side effects
Attribute Modifier Side Effects TArray<FAttributeModifierSideEffect> Additional attribute modifiers to apply as side effects

Blueprint Implementable Events


Override this function to add custom validation rules for when the modifier can be applied.


Input Type Description
ModifierContext FInstancedStruct Context data passed during modifier application
Output Type Description
Return Value bool True if the modifier can be applied, false otherwise


Called after passing tag requirements and CanApplyModifier checks but before the modifier’s effects are applied. Use this for setup or pre-application logic e.g. Applying resource costs.

Parameters: No parameters


Called immediately after the modifier’s effects are applied. Use for post-application logic or effects.

Parameters: No parameters


Called when the modifier ends, either by completing its duration or being cancelled.


Input Type Description
EndingStatus FGameplayTag Tag indicating how the modifier ended
EndingContext FInstancedStruct Context data related to how the modifier ended


Called when stacks are added to a duration modifier.


Input Type Description
AddedStacks int32 Number of stacks that were just added
CurrentStacks int32 Total number of stacks after addition


Called when a duration modifier reaches its maximum stack count. This will only be called if HasMaxStacks is true.

Parameters: No parameters

How Attribute Modification Works

Float Attribute Modifiers

Each float attribute modifier specifies:

  1. Which attribute to modify (by tag)
  2. What part of the attribute to change (current value, base value, etc.)
  3. The operation to perform (add, subtract, multiply, etc.)
  4. Where to get the input value from (fixed value, another attribute, overflow, etc.)
  5. How to handle attribute limits (min/max values)

Operations include:

  • Add: Output = A + B
  • Subtract: Output = A - B
  • Multiply: Output = A * B
  • Divide: Output = A / B
  • Power: Output = A^B
  • Override: Output = B
  • Custom: Call a blueprint function to calculate the output

Struct Attribute Modifiers

Struct attribute modifiers work by calling a blueprint function you define. This gives you complete control over how to modify complex data structures. If you’ve set up a StructAttributeHandler, you will get events for each member of the struct that gets changed.