Simple Gameplay Ability Component

Table of contents
  1. Properties
  2. Avatar Actor Functions
    1. GetAvatarActor
    2. SetAvatarActor
    3. IsAvatarActorOfType
  3. Ability Functions
    1. GrantAbility
    2. RevokeAbility
    3. AddAbilityOverride
    4. RemoveAbilityOverride
    5. DoesAbilityHaveOverride
    6. ActivateAbility
    7. CancelAbility
    8. CancelAbilitiesWithTags
    9. IsAbilityOnCooldown
    10. GetAbilityCooldownTimeRemaining
    11. IsAnyAbilityActive
  4. Attribute Functions
    1. AddFloatAttribute
    2. RemoveFloatAttribute
    3. AddStructAttribute
    4. RemoveStructAttribute
    5. HasFloatAttribute
    6. HasStructAttribute
    7. GetFloatAttributeValue
    8. SetFloatAttributeValue
    9. OverrideFloatAttribute
    10. GetStructAttributeValue
    11. SetStructAttributeValue
  5. Attribute Modifier Functions
    1. ApplyAttributeModifierToTarget
    2. ApplyAttributeModifierToSelf
    3. CancelAttributeModifier
    4. CancelAttributeModifiersWithTags
  6. Gameplay Tag Functions
    1. AddGameplayTag
    2. RemoveGameplayTag
    3. HasGameplayTag
    4. HasAllGameplayTags
    5. HasAnyGameplayTags
  7. Event Functions
    1. SendEvent
  8. Utility Functions
    1. GetServerTime
    2. HasAuthority


The Simple Gameplay Ability Component is the core manager for your game’s ability system. It ties together abilities, attributes, and gameplay tags, serving as the central hub for gameplay mechanics. This component can be attached to any actor that needs to use abilities or have attributes.

Think of it as the “character sheet” for your actors that:

  • Stores and manages gameplay abilities
  • Tracks attributes like health, stamina, or custom stats
  • Maintains the actor’s gameplay tags (states and properties)
  • Handles ability activation and networking
  • Provides an event system for gameplay communication


Name Type Description
Avatar Actor Actor Reference The Actor that this ability component controls
Ability Sets Array of Ability Set References Sets containing predefined abilities to grant
Ability Override Sets Array of Ability Override Set References Sets containing predefined ability overrides
Granted Abilities Array of Simple Gameplay Ability Class References Abilities that are granted to this component
Active Ability Overrides Array of Ability Override Abilities that override other abilities
Attribute Sets Array of Attribute Set References Sets containing predefined attributes
Float Attributes Array of Float Attributes Float attributes to initialize on this component
Struct Attributes Array of Struct Attributes Struct attributes to initialize on this component

Avatar Actor Functions


Returns the avatar actor that this ability component is controlling. The avatar is the actor that performs abilities.


Output Type Description
Return Value Actor The avatar actor or null if none has been set


Sets the avatar actor for this ability component. This function is available only on the server.


Input Type Description
New Avatar Actor Actor The actor to set as the avatar


Checks if the avatar actor is of a specific type. Useful for ensuring abilities only activate with appropriate avatar types.


Input Type Description
Avatar Class TSubclassOf<Actor> The class to check against
Output Type Description
Return Value bool True if the avatar actor is of the specified type, false otherwise

Ability Functions


Grants an ability to this component, allowing it to be activated. This function is available only on the server.


Input Type Description
Ability Class TSubclassOf<USimpleGameplayAbility> The class of the ability to grant


Revokes a previously granted ability from this component. This function is available only on the server.


Input Type Description
Ability Class TSubclassOf<USimpleGameplayAbility> The class of the ability to revoke


Defines an ability override, which replaces one ability with another. Useful for equipment or status effects that modify abilities. This function is available only on the server. The way an ability override works is that when you activate an ability, the system checks if there is an override for it. If there is, it uses the override instead of the original ability. This allows you to change the behavior of abilities without modifying their original code.


Input Type Description
Ability TSubclassOf<USimpleGameplayAbility> The original ability class to be overridden
Override Ability TSubclassOf<USimpleGameplayAbility> The ability class that will replace the original


Removes a previously defined ability override. This function is available only on the server.


Input Type Description
Ability TSubclassOf<USimpleGameplayAbility> The original ability class whose override should be removed


Checks if an ability has an override set for it on this ability component.


Input Type Description
Ability Class TSubclassOf<USimpleGameplayAbility> The class of the ability to check
Output Type Description
Return Value bool True if the ability has an override, false otherwise


Activates an ability on this component. This is the main function for initiating abilities.


Input Type Description
Ability Class TSubclassOf<USimpleGameplayAbility> The class of the ability to activate
Ability Context FInstancedStruct Context data for the ability activation
Override Activation Policy bool Whether to override the ability’s default activation policy
Activation Policy Override EAbilityActivationPolicy The activation policy to use if overriding:
- LocalOnly: Activates on client or server but doesn’t replicate (best for single-player or cosmetic effects).
- ClientOnly: Only activates on clients (for client-side effects).
- ServerOnly: Only activates on server without replicating to clients.
- ClientPredicted: Client activates immediately then sends request to server; supports state snapshots and prediction.
- ServerInitiatedFromClient: Client requests activation, server runs first, then replicates to client.
- ServerAuthority: Only activates on server but replicates to clients.
Output Type Description
Was Activated bool Whether the ability was successfully activated
Ability ID FGuid The unique ID of the activated ability instance


Cancels a running ability. The ability will only be cancelled if it allows cancellation through its CanCancel function.


Input Type Description
Ability Instance ID FGuid The ID of the ability instance to cancel
Cancellation Context FInstancedStruct Optional context data for the cancellation
Output Type Description
Return Value bool True if the ability was successfully cancelled


Cancels all running abilities that have any of the specified tags. Useful for cancelling groups of related abilities.


Input Type Description
Tags FGameplayTagContainer The tags to check against
Cancellation Context FInstancedStruct Optional context data for the cancellation
Output Type Description
Return Value TArray<FGuid> Array of ability IDs that were cancelled


Checks if an ability is currently on cooldown and cannot be activated.


Input Type Description
Ability Class TSubclassOf<USimpleGameplayAbility> The class of the ability to check
Output Type Description
Return Value bool True if the ability is on cooldown, false otherwise


Gets the remaining cooldown time for an ability in seconds.


Input Type Description
Ability Class TSubclassOf<USimpleGameplayAbility> The class of the ability to check
Output Type Description
Return Value float Remaining cooldown time in seconds (0 if not on cooldown)


Checks if any ability is currently active on this component.


Output Type Description
Return Value bool True if any ability is active, false otherwise

Attribute Functions


Adds a float attribute to this component. This function is available only on the server.


Input Type Description
Attribute To Add FFloatAttribute The attribute to add with all its properties
Override Values If Exists bool If true and the attribute already exists, replace its values


Removes a float attribute from this component. This function is available only on the server.


Input Type Description
Attribute Tag FGameplayTag The tag of the attribute to remove


Adds a struct attribute to this component. This function is available only on the server.


Input Type Description
Attribute To Add FStructAttribute The attribute to add with all its properties
Override Values If Exists bool If true and the attribute already exists, replace its values


Removes a struct attribute from this component. This function is available only on the server.


Input Type Description
Attribute Tag FGameplayTag The tag of the attribute to remove


Checks if this component has a specific float attribute.


Input Type Description
Attribute Tag FGameplayTag The tag of the attribute to check for
Output Type Description
Return Value bool True if the attribute exists, false otherwise


Checks if this component has a specific struct attribute.


Input Type Description
Attribute Tag FGameplayTag The tag of the attribute to check for
Output Type Description
Return Value bool True if the attribute exists, false otherwise


Gets the value of a float attribute. Float attributes have multiple value types including base value, current value, min/max values, etc.


Input Type Description
Value Type EAttributeValueType Which value to get:
- CurrentValue: The actual gameplay value used in calculations
- BaseValue: The base/permanent value without temporary modifications
- MaxCurrentValue: The maximum limit for CurrentValue
- MinCurrentValue: The minimum limit for CurrentValue
- MaxBaseValue: The maximum limit for BaseValue
- MinBaseValue: The minimum limit for BaseValue
Attribute Tag FGameplayTag The tag of the attribute to get
Output Type Description
Was Found bool Whether the attribute was found
Return Value float The value of the attribute


Sets the value of a float attribute. Handles clamping values to respect min/max limits.


Input Type Description
Value Type EAttributeValueType Which value to set:
- CurrentValue: The actual gameplay value used in calculations
- BaseValue: The base/permanent value without temporary modifications
- MaxCurrentValue: The maximum limit for CurrentValue
- MinCurrentValue: The minimum limit for CurrentValue
- MaxBaseValue: The maximum limit for BaseValue
- MinBaseValue: The minimum limit for BaseValue
Attribute Tag FGameplayTag The tag of the attribute to set
New Value float The new value to set
Output Type Description
Return Value bool Whether the operation was successful
Overflow float Any excess value that couldn’t be applied due to clamping


Completely replaces a float attribute with a new one. This function is available only on the server.


Input Type Description
Attribute Tag FGameplayTag The tag of the attribute to override
New Attribute FFloatAttribute The new attribute to replace it with
Output Type Description
Return Value bool Whether the operation was successful


Gets the value of a struct attribute.


Input Type Description
Attribute Tag FGameplayTag The tag of the attribute to get
Output Type Description
Was Found bool Whether the attribute was found
Return Value FInstancedStruct The value of the attribute


Sets the value of a struct attribute.


Input Type Description
Attribute Tag FGameplayTag The tag of the attribute to set
New Value FInstancedStruct The new value to set
Output Type Description
Return Value bool Whether the operation was successful

Attribute Modifier Functions


Applies an attribute modifier to a target component. Attribute modifiers can change attributes with more complex logic than direct setting.


Input Type Description
Modifier Target USimpleGameplayAbilityComponent* The component to apply the modifier to
Modifier Class TSubclassOf<USimpleAttributeModifier> The modifier class to apply
Modifier Context FInstancedStruct Context data for the modifier
Output Type Description
Return Value bool Whether the modifier was successfully applied
Modifier ID FGuid The unique ID of the applied modifier


Applies an attribute modifier to this component. Convenience wrapper for applying a modifier to self.


Input Type Description
Modifier Class TSubclassOf<USimpleAttributeModifier> The modifier class to apply
Modifier Context FInstancedStruct Context data for the modifier
Output Type Description
Return Value bool Whether the modifier was successfully applied
Modifier ID FGuid The unique ID of the applied modifier


Cancels an active attribute modifier. If the modifier is a duration type, it will end prematurely.


Input Type Description
Modifier ID FGuid The ID of the modifier to cancel


Cancels all attribute modifiers that have any of the specified tags. Useful for removing groups of related effects.


Input Type Description
Tags FGameplayTagContainer The tags to check against

Gameplay Tag Functions


Adds a gameplay tag to this component. If the tag is already present, its counter is incremented.


Input Type Description
Tag FGameplayTag The tag to add
Payload FInstancedStruct Optional payload data to send with the tag added event


Removes a gameplay tag from this component. Gameplay tags use reference counting, so if you add the same tag multiple times, it will only be removed when all references are removed.

e.g. You have two abilities (A and B) that temporarily add the same gameplay tag and we activate both of them at the same time. If ability A ends before ability B it will try to remove the temporary tag that it added. But since ability B is still active, the tag will not be removed, instead its reference counter will be decremented. The tag will only be removed when ability B ends and the tag reference counter is 0.


Input Type Description
Tag FGameplayTag The tag to remove
Payload FInstancedStruct Optional payload data to send with the tag removed event


Checks if this component has a specific gameplay tag.


Input Type Description
Tag FGameplayTag The tag to check for
Output Type Description
Return Value bool True if the component has the tag


Checks if this component has all of the specified gameplay tags.


Input Type Description
Tags FGameplayTagContainer The tags to check for
Output Type Description
Return Value bool True if the component has all the tags


Checks if this component has any of the specified gameplay tags.


Input Type Description
Tags FGameplayTagContainer The tags to check for
Output Type Description
Return Value bool True if the component has any of the tags

Event Functions


Sends a gameplay event from this component. Events can be used for communication between game systems.


Input Type Description
Event Tag FGameplayTag The main tag identifying the event
Domain Tag FGameplayTag Secondary tag qualifying the event domain
Payload FInstancedStruct Structured data for the event
Sender AActor* The actor that is sending the event
Listener Filter TArray<UObject*> Only send the event to these listeners
Replication Policy ESimpleEventReplicationPolicy Controls how the event is replicated:
- NoReplication: Event is only sent locally
- ServerAndOwningClient: Event is sent from server to owning client
- ServerAndOwningClientPredicted: Event runs on client first, then is verified by server
- AllConnectedClients: Event is sent from server to all clients
- AllConnectedClientsPredicted: Event runs on client first, then is sent to all clients

Utility Functions


Returns the current server time. On the server this is the actual server time, on clients it’s their estimation of the server time. You can override this function in child classes to provide a time implementation that suits your needs.


Output Type Description
Return Value double The current server time in seconds


Checks if this component has network authority (is on the server).


Output Type Description
Return Value bool True if this component has authority