Simple Gameplay Abilities

Table of contents
  1. Properties
  2. Implementable Functions
    1. CanActivate
    2. PreActivate
    3. OnActivate
    4. OnTick
    5. CanCancel
    6. OnEnd
  3. Callable Functions
    1. ActivateSubAbility
    2. EndAbility
    3. CancelAbility
    4. SendEvent
    5. GetAvatarActor
    6. GetAvatarActorAs
    7. ApplyAttributeModifierToTarget
    8. IsAbilityActive
    9. GetActivationTime
    10. GetActivationDelay
    11. GetActivationContext
    12. WasActivatedOnServer
    13. WasActivatedOnClient
    14. GetServerRole


Simple Gameplay Abilities are self-contained units of gameplay logic that define actions or behaviors in your game. They provide a structured way to implement discrete gameplay actions like attacks, spells, skills, or movement abilities.


Name Type Description
CanTick Bool When enabled, the ability will receive OnTick events every frame.
ActivationPolicy Enum Controls where and how the ability can be activated:
- LocalOnly: Activates on client or server but doesn’t replicate (best for single-player or cosmetic effects).
- ClientOnly: Only activates on clients (for client-side effects).
- ServerOnly: Only activates on server without replicating to clients.
- ClientPredicted: Client activates immediately then sends request to server; supports state snapshots and prediction.
- ServerInitiatedFromClient: Client requests activation, server runs first, then replicates to client.
- ServerAuthority: Only activates on server but replicates to clients.
InstancingPolicy Enum Controls ability instance management:
- SingleInstance: Only one instance exists; reused for each activation (better performance). When activating the ability again, the previous instance will be cancelled if its CanCancel function returns true
- MultipleInstances: New instance created for each activation (easier state management).
ActivationRequiredTags GameplayTagContainer Tags that must be present on the ability component for activation to succeed.
ActivationBlockingTags GameplayTagContainer Tags that will block the ability from activating if present on the ability component.
Cooldown Float Time in seconds before the ability can be activated again (0 = no cooldown).
RequiredContextType UScriptStruct* If set, ability will only activate if given an activation context of this struct type.
AvatarTypeFilter TArray<TSubclassOf> Avatar actor must be one of these types for activation to succeed. If empty, any avatar type is allowed.
RequireGrantToActivate Bool If true, the ability component must have this ability granted to it before activation.
AbilityTags GameplayTagContainer Tags that classify this ability (e.g., “Ability.Attack.Melee”, “Ability.Movement.Dash”).
TemporarilyAppliedTags GameplayTagContainer Tags applied to the ability component when activated and automatically removed when the ability ends.
PermanentlyAppliedTags GameplayTagContainer Tags applied to the ability component when activated but not automatically removed when the ability ends.

Implementable Functions

These functions can be overridden in your ability blueprint to define its behavior.


Use this function to add custom requirements for ability activation such as resource costs or state checks.


Input Type Description
ActivationContext FInstancedStruct The context data passed during activation attempt
Output Type Description
Return Value bool True if the ability can activate, false otherwise


Called before OnActivate if CanActivate returns true. Use this for setup or to consume resources.


Input Type Description
ActivationContext FInstancedStruct The context data passed during activation


The main execution function for the ability. Define your ability’s core behavior here.


Input Type Description
ActivationContext FInstancedStruct The context data passed during activation


Called every frame while the ability is active if CanTick is true.


Input Type Description
DeltaTime float Time elapsed since the last frame


Check if the ability can be cancelled when requested.


Output Type Description
Return Value bool True if the ability can be cancelled, false otherwise


Called when the ability ends, either normally or through cancellation.


Input Type Description
EndingStatus FGameplayTag Tag indicating how the ability ended
EndingContext FInstancedStruct Context data for the ending
WasCancelled bool True if ended by cancellation, false if ended normally

Callable Functions

These functions can be called from within your ability blueprint.


Activates another ability as a child of this ability.


Input Type Description
AbilityClass TSubclassOf The class of the ability to activate
ActivationContext FInstancedStruct Context data to pass to the sub-ability
CancelIfParentEnds bool If true, sub-ability is cancelled when this ability ends
CancelIfParentCancels bool If true, sub-ability is cancelled when this ability is cancelled
SubAbilityActivationPolicy ESubAbilityActivationPolicy Controls how the sub-ability is replicated
- NoReplication The sub ability will activate locally on both the server and client version of the ability but won’t replicate. Useful for cosmetic abilities or abilities that don’t need to be checked for server/client desync e.g. a PlayMontage sub ability
- ClientOnly The sub ability will activate only on the client and not replicate
- ServerOnly The sub ability will activate only on the server and not replicate
- InitiateFromClient The sub ability will activate on the client version of the ability and will replicate to everyone (i.e. ClientPredicted)
- InitiateFromServer The sub ability will activate on the server version of the ability but will replicate to all clients i.e. ServerAuthority
Output Type Description
Return Value FGuid The ID of the activated sub-ability


Ends the ability normally.


Input Type Description
EndStatus FGameplayTag Tag indicating why the ability ended
EndingContext FInstancedStruct Optional context data for ending


Attempts to cancel the ability.


Input Type Description
CancelStatus FGameplayTag Tag indicating why the ability was cancelled
CancelContext FInstancedStruct Optional context data for cancellation
ForceCancel bool If true, bypasses the CanCancel check


Sends a gameplay event from this ability. The sender is always the calling ability


Input Type Description
EventTag FGameplayTag The main tag identifying the event
DomainTag FGameplayTag Secondary tag qualifying the event domain
EventContext FInstancedStruct Structured data for the event
ReplicationPolicy ESimpleEventReplicationPolicy Controls how the event replicates


Gets the avatar actor for this ability.


Output Type Description
Return Value AActor* The avatar actor or null if none exists


Gets the avatar actor cast to a specific type.


Input Type Description
AvatarClass TSubclassOf The class to cast to
Output Type Description
IsValid bool True if cast succeeded, false otherwise
Return Value AActor* The avatar actor cast to the requested type, or null if cast failed


Applies an attribute modifier to a target component.


Input Type Description
TargetComponent USimpleGameplayAbilityComponent* The component to apply the modifier to
ModifierClass TSubclassOf The modifier class to apply
Context FInstancedStruct Context data for modifier application
Output Type Description
ModifierID FGuid The ID of the applied modifier


Checks if the ability is currently active.


Output Type Description
Return Value bool True if the ability is active, false otherwise


Gets the server time when this ability was activated.


Output Type Description
Return Value double The server timestamp when the ability was activated


Gets the time difference between when this ability was activated and now.


Output Type Description
Return Value double Time elapsed since activation in seconds


Gets the context that was passed when activating this ability.


Output Type Description
Return Value FInstancedStruct The cached activation context


Determines if this ability was activated on the server.


Output Type Description
Return Value bool True if activated on server, false otherwise


Determines if this ability was activated on the client.


Output Type Description
Return Value bool True if activated on client, false otherwise


Gets the current server role for this ability.


Output Type Description
IsListenServer Bool True if this is a listen server, false otherwise.
Return Value EAbilityServerRole Either Server or Client depending on where the code is running